The project entitled <3E: Experience the Enthusiasm of Entrepreneurship> is defined as a partnership between 5 organizations from 5 countries (Romania, Italy, Finland, Spain and Poland).
Responding to the needs identified, as well as to the challenges the school system faces nowadays, this project aims to provide students with knowledge, skills, and competencies designed to facilitate their integration in the social environment through entrepreneurship education.
This project’s goal is to increase young people’s awareness in taking initiative and planning their future by involving them
in an innovative and multicultural entrepreneurial education.
The main objectives are:
O1. Acquiring entrepreneurial competencies in the framework of a multicultural society while maintaining national values;
O2. Stimulating and improving the management of personal resources (creativity, teamwork abilities, emotional intelligence, etc.) and understanding their correlation with career opportunities;
O3. Developing basic financial management skills;
O4. Stimulating the students’ ability to identify and use the potential of the local community for social involvement and positive change;
O5. Developing students’ abilities to create a business plan based on sustainable development.
At a partnership level, the project will involve at least 6000 persons, from which approximately 2000 will be direct beneficiaries. The main target group consists of all students from partner organizations, their families, the teachers, and the NGOs’ representatives, local entrepreneurs, and the local communities. At a transnational level, 140 participants will attend the blended learning mobilities (100 students and 40 accompanying persons) and 39 persons will attend transnational project meetings. The project will also fully engage 100 participants with fewer opportunities. The participants’ profile is based on good communicational and foreign langue skills, good ICT skills,
intercultural competence, teamwork abilities etc.
The project activities will include preparation activities, local level activities, transnational learning activities, and staff meetings. The local level activities focus on: creating the project logo; experiencing the creative entrepreneurship; identifying entrepreneurial key notions; postcards illustrating national values; bilingual newspaper on entrepreneurship; mixed emotions photo gallery; video testimonials of the 1 euro business challenge; a peer to peer summer school.
The transnational learning activities are focused on C1 (Romania) key notions for entrepreneurship; C2 (Finland) creative entrepreneurship and national values; C3 (Poland) financial education; C4 (Spain) personal resources management; C5 (Italy) creating a sustainable business plan.
The project methodology is based on both the quantitative and the qualitative management process, each with specific indicators. In the planning stage, the necessary resources, both human and material, had been identified, a financial plan was created, the qualitative details of the results had been established, risks and the measures to remove them had been taken into account, and means of communication between partners had been established. During the implementation stage,
monitoring and time management will be done respecting all deadlines.
The project results will be both tangible and intangible (products, methods, and experiences). The products will be informative products (brochures, calendars, logos, video testimonials), educational products (didactic games, dictionary, digital booklet), communication tools (websites, flyers,
multimedia poster) and events (debates, workshops). The methods refer to cooperation, exchanges of ideas and experiences, including the know-how, satisfaction, and motivation acquired by each organization, beneficiaries, and other stakeholders.
This project will have a significant impact on all the participants, participating organizations, target groups, and other relevant stakeholders. Also, the project’s impact can be observed at the local, regional, national, and European level. The tools for measuring this impact will be questionnaires, surveys, and socio-metric tests applied in different project phases.
The project aims to have long-term benefits. After project completion, all partner schools will continue their activity with highly improved performances as a direct result of the knowledge and good practices gained during this project. The material resources and strategies acquired, as well as the tangible project results will be used to ensure the high quality of the teaching-learning process.
Project products in any format will be available to all interested international parties on TwinSpace after the completion of this project. The cooperation between partner organizations will continue through joint training materials and projects.
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3E Experience the Enthusiasm of Entrepreneurship
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Copyright 3E Experience the Enthusiasm of Entrepreneurship – All rights reserved
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication/communication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.